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Podcasts & Audio Files

Institutionalized Model of Care

This audio link is connected to an interview on CBC with Katie Rossiter, a Professor at Wilfred Laurier. She frames the inherent dangers of an institutionalized model of care and the painful experiences shared by survivors of Ontario’s institutions (Huronia) .  While the interview is excellent, please note the inaccuracies in the closing remarks. The funding is not ministry based but is a direct result of class actions suits, in particular the remaining amount of funds that could not be claimed by survivors as they did not have a ‘voice’ in expressing the injustices they faced.

Click here to listen to the interview.

A parent's perspective!

In this episode, ‘We are all Caregivers‘, Eric interviews Donna Thomson an author, mom and speaker on issues relating to family caregiving, disability and aging. Donna is also a patient and family advisor on health research and policy. She helps family caregivers understand how to advocate for care both in hospital and in the community.

Donna speaks about her personal experience as a mom to Nicholas, who faces cerebral palsy and a complex disability. Donna talks about the tightrope parents have to walk in getting services and shares how she started to find pleasure in peeling the potatoes!  This is one interview you won’t want to miss.

Click here to listen to the podcast!

Planning Tools

Facilitator, Coach and Trainer, Belinda Deenik, holds a firm belief that all facilitators benefit from first hand experience with the tools they invite others to use! In her blog, she shares her powerful and transformative experience with a MAP (Inclusion Press) that create a new PATH forward.

Click here to read the blog. 

Self Determination

“Community is messy!  And so is playing in the dirt, eating candy apples and making pots with clay” reminds Niki Stevenson, from Facilitation Leadership Group.  Nici  invites us to really examine our concept of inclusion and tot remember that community is a rich and diverse resource for everyone!

Click here to read the blog. 


Lessons in Building Community, Housing, and a Good Life, with Janet Klees and Members of the Deohaeko Support Network

In this episode, Eric Gall brings you the story of Rougemount Co-operative Housing, and the Deohaeko Support Network– a co-operative housing project led by families that has embodied diversity, inclusion and community since its inception in the mid 1980’s. In this blog and podcast, you are going to hear the story of the Rougemount Housing Co-operative & the Deohaeko Support Network, learn what intentional community is and how to build it, learn the key factors that made Rougemount a success for people with a disability, and get a different perspective on creating a home for people with a disability.


A 4-Stage Framework to Build Relationships, for People with Disabilities: An Empowering Ability Podcast 

In this episode, Eric Goll interviews Al Condeluci who shares a 4-Stage Framework for Building Social Capital.

1) Understand the person’s affinities and passions. This requires a cultural shift from deficits (what a person cannot do) to a profile of assets.

2) Where do these affinities and passions happen in the community? For every interest, there is a group of people in the community that enjoy those interests. Find where these interests exist in the community. This is where people will gather around an interest, and creates similarity, rather than difference. This forms a connection point.

3) Learn what is expected of people when they look to join the group or community. Once you have an understanding of the expectations of a person in these settings you can then coach and prepare the person you are supporting to understand what those expected behaviours.

4) Find the gate keeper. This is someone that is already a part of the community that can help to facilitate relationships with others.

(More detail on this framework is provided in the podcast, and in Al’s book ‘Social Capital: The Key to Macro Change‘)