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Government Programs & Legislation

Government Programs

ODSP offers:

-financial assistance to help you and your family with essential living expenses
-benefits, for you and your family, including prescription drugs and vision care
-help finding and keeping a job, and advancing your career

ODSP offers two types of support:

  1. Income support – Financial assistance provided each month to help with the costs of basic needs, like food, clothing and shelter. Income support also includes benefits, like drug coverage and vision care, for clients and their eligible family members.

2. Employment supports – Services and supports to help clients with disabilities find and keep a job, and advance their careers.

For more information click here. 

The Special Services at Home program helps families who are caring for a child with a developmental and/or physical disability. It is funded and managed by the Ministry of Community and Social Services.

The program helps families pay for special services in or outside the family home as long as the child is not receiving support from a residential program. For example, the family can hire someone to

-help the child learn new skills and abilities, such as improving their communications skills and becoming more independent

-provide respite support to the family – families can get money to pay for services that will give them a break, or respite, from the day-to-day care of their child.

For more information click here. 

Interested in more information about the Passport program, accessing an Adult Protective Service Worker, or Residential and Clinical Supports?

Click here to access the MCCSS website and information about these programs.

Government Legislation

Social Inclusion of Persons with Developmental Disabilities Act, 2008 (developmental services legislation)

For more information click here.