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Nowhere to Turn is an investigation into the Ministry of Community and Social Services’ response to situations of crisis involving adults with developmental disabilities. This Ombudsman Report was written in 2016 and offers information on lessons learned from the past, an overview of the system, the ‘face of crisis’ in Ontario and recommendations for moving forward.

Ombudsman Report – Nowhere to Turn 2016

Did you know …

That the values of the Office of the Ombudsman include:

  • Fair treatment
  • Accountable administration
  • Independent, impartial
  • Results: Achieving real change

That their mission is to:

We strive to be an agent of positive change by promoting fairness, accountability and transparency in the public sector.

Their vision is :

A public sector that serves citizens in a way that is fair, accountable and transparent.


Common Vision for Transformation Part 1 and 2 – highlights the collaborative efforts and insight of; Family Alliance Ontario, The Individualized Funding Coalition, People First Ontario and Special Services at home Provincial Coalition in 2005.

The principles and direction suggested in these documents are still relevant today and are guiding current conversations with provincial partners.

Click the links below to read Part 1 and 2:

CommonVision One


Family Leadership

In this article, John Lord, researcher, author and parent, explores the value and power of autonomous family networks.  “The transformation of service systems is challenging work.  Family leaders have been instrumental in advocating for changes that are consistent with citizenship and with the factors we know contribute to resilience of individuals and families.  Building the capacity of autonomous family groups and independent planning and facilitation will contribute to genuine transformation.”

Click here to read the full article.

Click here to connect directly with John to access more of his articles, books and research around inclusion.

Legal Resources & Estate Planning

This article invites you to think about planning ahead and having the right legal tools in place to ensure a quality of life for your loved one when you are no longer here. Click the link below for more information.

Henson Trust Article

Person Directed Approaches

 OIFN-Core-Elements-of-Independent-Facilitation-June-2018   This document clarifies the ‘heart and core’ of the work.

Interested in more information? OIFN List of Key Resources and Publications – September 2018

Planned Lifetime Advocacy Network (PLAN) was founded in Vancouver two decades ago by the parents of children with disabilities, inspired by the leadership of Al Etmanski and Vickie Cammack. Prior to establishing PLAN, Al and Vickie had worked on disability issues for over 30 years in different non-for-profit organizations.

Click here to read the full article.

Gentle Teaching incorporates compassion as an alternative to the reactive and restrictive practices that are commonplace in working with those who present with complex needs. Our central purpose is to nurture; teach; and sustain a sense of companionship, connectedness, and community for those who have repeatedly experienced an existence of disconnectedness, isolation and loneliness.

Gentle Teaching is based on the premise that all individuals have a right to feel safe and valued in their homes; with their families and caregivers; and at their job, school, or other forms of meaningful day activities. Those who are most vulnerable require predictability and structure in their day. They also need to experience interactions from others that are overwhelmingly positive and uplifting (vs. critical and demanding). This is truly a cultural shift to, or in some cases a deepening of, those principles that provide a solid base for helping individuals experience companionship and connectedness. It serves as a foundation for other models of treatment or teaching specific to the needs of the individual.

Change(s) Needed on a System Level