Windsor-Essex Family Network
Windsor, Essex County, ON, Canada
Phone: 519-974-1008
Email: info@nullwindsoressexfamnet.ca
Website: https://windsoressexfamnet.ca/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/windsoressexfamilynetwork
Email: info@nullwindsoressexfamnet.ca
Website: https://windsoressexfamnet.ca/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/windsoressexfamilynetwork
Windsor-Essex Family Network is a network of parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, and friends who believe in the inclusion and well-being of children and adults who have different abilities and challenges.
More simply, we are a group of people who have a relative or friend who is living with a disability. We believe that everyone, with or without a disability, belongs in our neighborhoods and communities.
We are families who share information and experiences with each other, provide emotional and practical support, develop briefs to tell the government and others what we need, and create information to help other families on their journey.
We are families and friends who care.