Waterloo Region Family Network
Waterloo, ON, Canada
Executive Director: Sue Simpson
Phone: 519-866-9150
Email: info@nullwrfn.info
Website: https://wrfn.info/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WaterlooRegionFamilyNetwork/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/familynetworkWR
Phone: 519-866-9150
Email: info@nullwrfn.info
Website: https://wrfn.info/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WaterlooRegionFamilyNetwork/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/familynetworkWR
As a peer-developed and peer-driven network, WRFN is uniquely able to understand how to serve the needs of exceptional families, so that they can thrive. We do this through the following initiatives: Parent Mentor program; peer networks and mentoring; family conferences and family days; support groups; workshops in partnership with local school boards; Ask A Self-Advocate program; connecting families & individuals with critical resources in our community and to each other; our monthly newsletter; our website and through our Family Resource Coach who provides personal guidance to each family.